Tuesday 26 November 2019

Appreciate Freedom!

One of the reason's fat people keep giving away what they have like it's so much trash, is not taking time to appreciate the opportunities presented by self acceptance.

If I was a slim person, looking at myself as I am now, I might think, my ick needs to be their sick. I might be stuck fast into wanting me to be and feel a litany of 'unhealthy', of personality problems, mental health and social woes, to be downtrodden, know my place and play my role, this role, to feel the full extent of projected inferiority......

As I am, a fat person, looking at myself as that much imagined slim person. I see, a person.

A person.

What freedom!

That's it.

No alienating baggage, no side, no projected mal intent. Just a human being like myself who has their own internal life that I am only party to by that which I can see and sense.

Now, there's no telling about other assumptions, expectations, prejudices, I may conjure up, size though, is not in addition to any of that.

I'm looking at a slim right now. I see their size and in an instant their clothes, skin tone, hair, poise, posture, even sense a bit of their aura; this person seems quiet, not shy, but reserved. That might be wrong. Or it maybe the way they are when they're on their own.

Size is a pass over, not a cloud of contrived hysteria to overcome.

I don't have to fight myself to stop hating them, to try to stop hating them, to be upset because I thought I was nicer than this.....

None of that. 

Next time you pass a slim someone, take note. Enjoy that feeling of being unburdened by either malice nor resentment. Appreciate it.

If you can't, take note of it when you hear some slim person droning on about your weight, that includes professionals, in case that need be said.

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