Thursday 19 March 2020

Implementing Famine

Manual Activity
With COVID-19, you know that in lieu of effective treatment-that which acts on a matter of concern to do anything from contain to reversing it completely, or a successful vaccine-that people are being required to act out an approximation of what treatment and vaccine would achieve, manually.

Similarly, with a diet 'n' exercise plan, you are actioning out what your body can do, manually due to not having the knowledge of how to manipulate the pathways that actually regulate your body's mass.

Difference is, there is no known vaccine for C-19 and treatments are still being tried and examined for efficacy. In the case of body mass, you have been told manual acting out is the way you regulate weight-to divert your mind away from seeking proper means.

Original Guilt
With C-19, collective effort is required. Ditto for starving off body mass, effectively, famine. The only real way to implement famine properly is to mimic it as it happens in real life, environmentally, that is, for everybody. That's what is being alluded to in, "obesogenic environment". This is the source of fat people's sense of guilt, i.e. because of an issue we have, everyone has to go through this. Not, we "self-harm with food" like others do with drugs/alcohol, but that our brains worked out what wasn't so consciously perceived, implement famine totally or don't bother.

Self-Inflicted Famine
The purpose of individual diet plans is for slim people to break ranks. To exempt themselves from the starvation demanded of fat people, understandably, that's our natural instinct for self preservation. However, this hasn't stopped other's from allowing themselves to be used to demand it of fat people and to block any viable alternative. Justifying this on assertions that we "overeat".

Kidding on all the way that fat people are only really being asked to eat the amounts (and types of food) slim people do. That lie is exposed by slimz wanting nothing to do with any collective effort, despite dieting themselves willingly, not under no duress but their own.

This desire to flee the consequences of their own demands, not hatred of fat people is why we're blamed for being fat. If we are to blame, then we can quarantine, self isolate, socially distance ourselves into our own self imposed and it will work, if we don't then this will be on everyone. Built on top of unfiltered guilt, feeling we must do it alone keeps us in the diet game, stopping it from being fully recognised as a failed as well as a thoroughly unpleasant venture.

In the case of C-19, coming out of restriction or "lockdown", without effective treatment, cure or vaccine would take us back to before. Similarily, we once assumed slimming was a question of wasting weight, then returning to a normal response to hunger, with a now slimmed body. When it turned out the human body is designed to return itself to its starting point, we were told the equivalent of stay in lockdown forever. Make it your life.

That is what "lifestyle" means.

Clearly absurd and unfeasible. It simply wouldn't work as well as being an unreasonable, unconscionable ask. Except, nothing is ever an unreasonable ask for fat people, only those who've checked out leaving us to it, get to make that call.

Voluntary, Involuntary
Another sublminal that comes into play is the barely sketched out perception that we can alter our metabolic function and outcomes ourselves. We instinctively recognise on some level or other that our involuntary metabolic function is joined to our voluntary conscious functioning, in the form of the same communications system being used for both, the nervous system.

The key issue though is like treatment for C-19, we need genuine scientific inquiry and rigour to bring this properly to the surface. We're stuck in the incompatible opposites of being required to "lose weight" via a means that has failed.

We must be prepared to hold those responsible to account for this, continuing to accept spurious meaningless constructs like 'obesity', acting as if (professional) position guarantees unquestioned good faith, rather than actual actions and behaviour, will continue to support remaining where we are.

We have all become trapped in this, and rather like the susceptible and not so susceptable to C-19, have differing interests, yet ultimately those again converge in a collective interest. Unless fat people turn up for ourselves, we will not be able to turn up to stop this crusade sinking all of us.

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