One of the reason's fat people keep giving away what they have like it's so much trash, is not taking time to appreciate the opportunities presented by self acceptance.
If I was a slim person, looking at myself as I am now, I might think, my ick needs to be their sick. I might be stuck fast into wanting me to be and feel a litany of 'unhealthy', of personality problems, mental health and social woes, to be downtrodden, know my place and play my role, this role, to feel the full extent of projected inferiority......
As I am, a fat person, looking at myself as that much imagined slim person. I see, a person.
A person.
What freedom!
That's it.
No alienating baggage, no side, no projected mal intent. Just a human being like myself who has their own internal life that I am only party to by that which I can see and sense.
Now, there's no telling about other assumptions, expectations, prejudices, I may conjure up, size though, is not in addition to any of that.
I'm looking at a slim right now. I see their size and in an instant their clothes, skin tone, hair, poise, posture, even sense a bit of their aura; this person seems quiet, not shy, but reserved. That might be wrong. Or it maybe the way they are when they're on their own.
Size is a pass over, not a cloud of contrived hysteria to overcome.
I don't have to fight myself to stop hating them, to try to stop hating them, to be upset because I thought I was nicer than this.....
None of that.
Next time you pass a slim someone, take note. Enjoy that feeling of being unburdened by either malice nor resentment. Appreciate it.
If you can't, take note of it when you hear some slim person droning on about your weight, that includes professionals, in case that need be said.
Tuesday, 26 November 2019
Thursday, 14 November 2019
The Obesity Paradox
Trigger Warning: For the prospect of sheer unmitigated boredom.
"Obesity almost doubles in 20 years to affect 13 million people". Oh no, way more than 13 million are affected by o-tedium, o-monotony and o-indifference.
Bullet points for a cut out and keep style effect.
Body Mass/Weight/Volume
How to Adjust Body Mass/Weight/Volume Unsuccessfully
In order to save your embarrassment, we will all pretend we think this is science.
The (never)end.
"Obesity almost doubles in 20 years to affect 13 million people". Oh no, way more than 13 million are affected by o-tedium, o-monotony and o-indifference.
Bullet points for a cut out and keep style effect.
Body Mass/Weight/Volume
- Body weight/mass/volume, is body weight/mass/volume, regardless of a person's weight/mass/volume.
- Our bodies, like the bodies of other animals, regulate their own weight/mass/volume as a function of their inherent biology and physiology.
- Any desire to alter the aforementioned outcome, in an upward or downward direction demands alteration of the functional settings of said biology/physiology.
- Scientists can either get on with that, or continue to not get on with that, as is their wont-it's called academic freedom.
How to Adjust Body Mass/Weight/Volume Unsuccessfully
- Assert that being arbitrarily fatter than slim is really a slim person with "an excess of body-fat mass".
- Come up with a name for this assertion; "obesity".
- Make out your 'obesity' is regulated in some way other than the regulation of fat and/or other mass you deem, not excessive.
- Insist your "excess" must be starved off.
- When it turns out the body is designed to jettison starvation, act as if this cannot possibly be.
- Continue to cry; "obesity, obesity, obesity" about the land, through your various complaint mouthpieces, as if all the above isn't obvious, if you don't mention it.
- Repeat to absurdity, trying out various poses for effect: rage- anguish-concern-worry-sympathy 😭etc., slyly following through with requests for unlimited power, influence and interference over people's lives, along with pots of cash in general and for the removal of healthy functioning body parts, and other "services".
In order to save your embarrassment, we will all pretend we think this is science.
The (never)end.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
Out of the Park
When fat people, people who are fat, people look back at what they did to stay on the track dug for them, fighting their body, inhabiting the assigned role and to subsequently, to make ways out of said state, with varying degrees of success, I think we can safely say that we: Hit it out of the park.
We put in that work.
We did the experiment and tested it to destruction, [ours almost]!
We did the shifts, plus overtime and more, day after day. We worked hard. Not just the hard labour, but at the role, we submerged ourselves totally, we lost ourselves in it, method to the hilt.
Seeking to wander out of this mire has turned out to have been another odyssey in itself. As usual, swimming against every tide, like always because certain people think they own us, can mutilate and cut us at their will. They think they can make a mockery of us our true (hi)stories, mess up our bodies, minds and lives.
Yet, we've taken that on too.
And we have and are putting in that work there too.
Never forget, for one minute ever, what fat people, the people are capable of.
Live with this legacy in your mind at all times. Skip the bullshit, embody this energy, your energy, your will, this initiative, this refusal to be beat. It is yours. Own it. As much because no-one wants you to own or be strengthened by who you really are and what you've really done.
It is that inspiring.
Those who wish to control you, to keep you corralled and trapped, so you'll beg them to cut mutilate, you and be grateful for it, certainly don't want that. They want you weak, scared, subservient, submissive, complaint, receptive to internalising their tortured language and pisspoor power plays.
It's up to each and every one of us to look at ourselves, what we actually stand for, what we've done and are still being asked to do and ask whether this is the best we as humans can do.
It most definitely is not.
We put in that work.
We did the experiment and tested it to destruction, [ours almost]!
We did the shifts, plus overtime and more, day after day. We worked hard. Not just the hard labour, but at the role, we submerged ourselves totally, we lost ourselves in it, method to the hilt.
Seeking to wander out of this mire has turned out to have been another odyssey in itself. As usual, swimming against every tide, like always because certain people think they own us, can mutilate and cut us at their will. They think they can make a mockery of us our true (hi)stories, mess up our bodies, minds and lives.
Yet, we've taken that on too.
And we have and are putting in that work there too.
Never forget, for one minute ever, what fat people, the people are capable of.
Live with this legacy in your mind at all times. Skip the bullshit, embody this energy, your energy, your will, this initiative, this refusal to be beat. It is yours. Own it. As much because no-one wants you to own or be strengthened by who you really are and what you've really done.
It is that inspiring.
Those who wish to control you, to keep you corralled and trapped, so you'll beg them to cut mutilate, you and be grateful for it, certainly don't want that. They want you weak, scared, subservient, submissive, complaint, receptive to internalising their tortured language and pisspoor power plays.
It's up to each and every one of us to look at ourselves, what we actually stand for, what we've done and are still being asked to do and ask whether this is the best we as humans can do.
It most definitely is not.
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