Wednesday 14 September 2011

Critical blahhhh

The point is fat people's cruel disregard of ourselves becomes 'cruelty' to others, if they rely on that cruelty to prop up their self esteem or social position. Both end up counting themselves as less than they are.

People's enthusiasm for expressing how bad the fat acceptance movement is and the people involved with it should be audited for credulity. How is it possible to be that wrong?

Whilst fat people's credibility is endlessly mentioned  by both ourselves and by those who insist mindless obedience is all we are fit for, do critical voices pause to consider the credibility of their numerous critiques?

Seriously, what is so great about what they represent?

This is a crusade who's instructions have failed to bring about their stated aim, to make fat people slimmer. It's dominant thesis doesn't understand how human biology actually works, yet it's been extended to drugs, surgery, all of which are destructive and pitifully inadequate.

Where's the humility or credibility there?

Not to mention an indiscriminate campaign of stigma that is so bad that it is actually wearing out its targets before it's disease construct of fatness 'obesity'. Yet it refuses to take responsibility for any failure-unlike fat people, whom it finds consistent fault. It deals with this by erasing our efforts claiming we have not done what there is ample proof that as a whole that we have done.

Where's the honour? The sense of self worth to be able to say "mea culpa" we thought it would work, it hasn't? Where's the dignity of that? I suppose you don't need it when you're falsely accorded it.

The criticism of our attempts to get out of the way of something that has become putrid and pointless has itself become the problem is the cause for relentless and unyielding sniping. How is this even possible?

Do I even care anymore? 

Those who are critical, who are so concerned about the feelings of those who have behaved far worse than us, are being irrational and unpleasant. Does it occur that an endless blizzard of unvarying critical noise isn't actually relaying a credible or even distinct message?

Regardless of any merits their criticisms may have, people have to be able to be able to tolerate what they have to say in order to hear it, if they cannot trust that they are being fairly appraised that is not likely to be possible.

Try judging those you are protecting by those same standards. They're too good for that, so tip toe and pussy foot is the order of the day.

Nobody in FA that I know of wishes to degrade the physical or mental health of slim people, wishes to get a campaign going to make them feel disgusted by their own selves, assassinate their characters. Or slimz ought to be left to die because they cost too much.

So exactly how can FA be posited as the opposite of this? It's just trying to drag us down to a level we've not chosen, because others' our betters have, that is their problem. That is not a true definition of uppity.
being critical can be fine and noble, but a) it has to connect with what it is critiquing, or it becomes an exercise in pre decided antipathy, with whatever their idea of a person's views are, projected onto that person.

Being critical can be fine and noble, but a) it has to connect with what it is critiquing, or it becomes an exercise in pre decided antipathy, with whatever their idea of a person's views are, projected onto that person.

It's all so much blaah.

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