Tuesday 30 October 2018

Nutrional Ire

Here's something to bear in mind when it comes to food, the inherent aggression waiting to come out of something we need to live. "Waitrose Food editor proposes articles on 'killing vegans one by one' after journalist pitches plant-based recipe ideas".
Ms Nelson....had suggested a regular series on vegan cooking, featuring recipes, commentary and news. In an emailed respond to her pitch last week, the magazine editor wrote: “Hi Selene. Thanks for this. How about a series on killing vegans, one by one. Ways to trap them? How to interrogate them properly? Expose their hypocrisy? Force-feed them meat? Make them eat steak and drink red wine?“
The man was clearly joking, but his remarks still disturbed,
”I've never seen anything like it,” she told BuzzFeed News: “I've written about many divisive topics, like capital punishment and murder cases and domestic violence, and I’ve never had a response like that to any of my articles or pitches.
Her shock is similar to that of many fat peoples', activist or not. The conclusion tends to be, this is straight hatred of fat people-because they expect and assume fat people are that hateable/hate-worthy.

What's demonstrated here is what it looks like when the person has no such sense that they are any such thing, recognising it as a problem outside herself. It affects the way she responds, indeed questions the source. Food touches on people's survival instincts, any sense of perceived threat to the supply of that can set of a visceral instinctive reaction, that may surprise even the respondent.

Fat people are routinely cornered into playing out calorie restriction-by everyone. The logic of enforced cal res though, as I've repeatedly stated is a threat to the overall supply of sufficient food, our brains worked that out pretty much as a matter of course. It's the source of the desire to isolate fat people in self-starvation, not blame, that's in service to the desire to remove the threat of cal res.

For fat people, this was the root of our first feelings of guilt-that by our 'sin' we would threaten the health or life of those less prone or able to store energy. We didn't wish to, that's why we accepted our isolation.

In those people and others, the feeling was of the logic of cal res putting their needs second, as prioritisation of cal res-in the food supply-must do, logically. This happened outside all our mind's [conscious] awareness, but not the body's, strange though that may seem to hear.

And no, this isn't about "greed" it's down to the insistence on altering the food supply, rather than physiological function. This is wholly irrational. 

It's yet another set-to contained in this mass delusion. This prioritisation equation-cal res before the storing less- hasn't manifested thus far because those less prone to storing energy have the upper hand. The food supply is still directed by their needs, which are really the same as all our needs, if it wasn't for this neurosis.

Storing less before cal res, makes sense in terms of democracy, but not in terms of most effective enforcement of cal res. Meaning, 'obesity' peddlers routine runs wholly against democracy and in accord with dictatorship, as anyone paying attention to the rights of the targets of this will have noted-it's just not using the usual political language, instead it uses medical and pseudo-medical(ised) jargon.

Democracy is not supposed to lead to this sort of dictatorship through the food supply. One can partly come about though, either as a result of a political decisions + internal/external blockade trifecta-like Venezuela or some other combination of policies, things such as "welfare reform" along with the kind of interference demanded by crusading declarations of war.

You can see how quickly threats to the food supply leads to declarations of death to those perceived as posing the threat. That should be borne in mind before personalising rage coming at you.

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