Wednesday 17 October 2018

Research Is Direct Link to Getting Money for Nothing

"Research finds link between time online and obesity in children". How about research finding a link between how the body self-regulates our body mass and our conscious awareness? They both major in using the same system, the nervous system. That way we could pass on to our children could skills that could be used for all sorts of alterations to their own function.

Meaning they can spend time on-line according to their own interests and benefit rather than being subject to a shower of random dictates that do not add up to a coherent picture.

Do the people producing this "research" know finding out that doing A, B, C, D, X makes you, such and such % more likely to become fatsuity means precisely duck fall? That along with, doing A, B, C, D, Z, increases the risk of fatsuity or, people with fatsuits are more likely to not be able to um.........I forget?

In short, you are producing absolute garbage unless you are producing information about real psychological, biological functioning and pathways that actually lead to something tangible.

We know fatsuit research is a money pit right now, and that you get paid for producing any old irrelevant and useless shit. That doesn't mean you should though. You could, excuse personal ethical oversight, and dare one say it, exercise self control.

Jus' saying.

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