Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Wrong way, wrong tool

Whether you believe in people's capacity to change or not. It's their ability or knowledge and the tools available to them that's the issue. With the best will in the world, you can want to change all your like, but you can't if you're doing it in the wrong way and using the wrong tool/s.

Weight loss dieting is both the wrong way and the wrong tool. It's not just dysfunctional but a cluster of dysfunctions. Which of those dysfunctions are brought most into play varies. As does in overall composition of them in individual attempts to diet.

This variance leaves cracks which can be exploited depending on the importance you can give dieting or single mindedness you can bring to consciously trying to regulate your weight. How much conscious attention you'll need to bring to the process of weight loss dieting, also varies because of all those variables.

The 95% failure of weight loss dieting statistic is probabilistic. It refers to an attempt. That is every time you try to diet you have 95% chance of that attempt failing. Saying DDW doesn't mean dieting never works. It could co-coincide with chance or placebo. Above all a spontaneous re-adjustment of your metabolism-towards loss.

After all, weight gain or fatness could be described as a spontaneous adjustment in the first place. Given the amount of people dieting, it's not surprising that this can provoke a chain of adjustment or could itself be the adjustment in some people.

For instance, when people gain weight, they sometimes eat more. It's as if the use of the strategy to gain weight by the body, needs to use this element of your metabolism-extra appetite for some things or hunger-to facilitate it. The reverse could be true, could be that if your body wishes to make a downward adjustment, it reduces your hunger. Doing that artificially could be deemed to have a potential placebo effect, by reverse. Though clearly, not very much population-wise.

As our consciousness is saturated with weight loss dieting, it wouldn't be surprising if this urge becomes submerged in the going on a diet narrative. After all, why now? For example, we're told the story of a person's weight gain. How they ate this and that, didn't exercise or whatever. So why at that moment, sometimes after decades of weight loss attempts does is this attempt the one? What is underlying that?

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