Friday 28 August 2009

"Diet's are not the answer"

Traci Mann and Janet Tomiyama looked at how successful dieters were at keeping weight off. The conclusion was not at all.
"It doesn't matter what diet you go on," Mann says. "They all work for a little while, and then they fail."
That 'little while' is often the time it takes your body's defenses to overcome your intent to restrict intake, for some, it's no while at all. And don't forget, those who get to the end of the line of actually losing weight are outliers.

One of the things it's difficult to find is stats on how many people on average drop out of diets. From experience I'd say it's a hell of a lot by the time you get to losing significant weight. Experts agree  the primary reason for that failure is our fat-laced 'obesifacient' society. Balls. The only reason for the failure is your body is designed to thwart it and if you get through that-to reverse those losses. How long is it possible to maintain this extent of willful obtuseness?

Take a good look at definition no.1. With so much access to so much fatty food, people find it almost impossible to manage obesity without professional help, according to Dr. Arya Sharma,the chair of Obesity Research and Management at the University of Alberta (oh pleeeze). Really? Well prove it Sharma.

Have you got any 'reduced obese' that you've managed to help dodge the body's overwhelming defenses? I'd love to see them. Until then, stop pretending that you've got anything but played out fantasies. We know you've got nothing, wake up to yourself.

But most people do not have access to long-term help and try instead—over and over again—to lose in months what took years to gain. 

How do you know how long it took to gain? Often weight gain comes within a very short space of time, in a stage or stages, with [huge] gaps in between. Not one pound every week or whatever. As you purport to study weight, I would have thought you'd have noticed that by now.

This becomes yo-yo dieting, or weight cycling, which has been shown to adversely affect health and even increase the mortality rates of obese people who lost weight compared with their more weight-stable peers.

Weight cycling is to not accept that dieting doesn't work, and act on that, which is what we are told to do by all smeckperts and quacks.

"A lot of our weight-loss recommendations are unethical because we shouldn't be saying lose weight when there is no chance people will keep it off," says Sharma. 

All weight loss recommendations are unethical because they depend on the same premise, calorie manipulation. You and others choose to pretend that there is a difference between fast dieting, i.e. weight loss dieting and slow dieting, lifestyle/long-term dieting.

What's this about workplace wellness programs? An example of a "promising practice" is "weight-loss competitions." They're always promising because they never deliver. Diet deluders are always trying to get people to participate in their hare brained schemes, they don't wait for them to finish, because they know deep down they are going to fail, but before the inevitable, they take an interim measure.

It's just become an exercise in protecting their chosen delusion. As the study's author, economist John Cawley, says, "This intervention is less effective than getting people off heroin."

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